As I’ve never built a wooden boat or really anything of this complexity, scale or even of fiberglass and epoxy it seemed like a pretty good idea to take things slow.
So after reading over the instructions a few times, and doing as much research as I could I thought it was time to mock up the original Ta’al SUP exactly as it was designed.
This would ensure I understood the plans, and I think visually it would just help lay out what I would need to modify to turn this into a Kayak.
So I created a scale model to 6% size don’t ask me what ratio that is. It’s basically me plotting out and drawing out the panels in Illustrator at 1:10 size, and than reducing by 60% to fit on a single letter sheet of paper.
The Datum lines did not line up. I’m pretty sure something was off, after reviewing the plans I believe I have them in the correct locations offsets, but the side panel I drew them on the wrong side of the panel.
So in the above photo the side panels are actually upside down in the smaller model.
On to model 2. I didn’t think the datum lines would quite line up with the panel reversed but tried it out and still not aligned. Will have to go review the plans a couple more times. I think the rocker is more pronounced this time with the side panels in the correct direction.
It looks like my paper boat has had a bit of a crash at the bow, but paper and taping a 1:10 model perfectly is a it out of my league. Hopefully full size, plywood and stitches will work better. I think the stitches well allow me to align up the pieces gradually, whereas tape is just kinda stick and not move and hard to line up the whole panel.