Got most of the internal panels cut out. A few key locations have been moved a bit, so some math had been involved so that panels still fit together. Mainly because this kayak will so some duty as a tandem when our daughter is up front we wanted to expand the cockpit. The aft of the seating area has been moved farther back and the bow had moved forward as well.
While cutting out panels to make sure we get an accurate cut and with no chipping or torn edges I’ve cut proud of the lines. Now we need to sand/plane them back down to the proper lines.
The block plane and spokeshave are awesome tools for getting the panels trimmed down to the frame lines. Some 80 grit sandpaper finish them off really good. I even used a Japanese pull saw on some of the tight places like the cutouts for the frames.
It’s great starting to use handtools. There’s something about the feel, smell and dust that’s very satisfying. This part of the construction has felt a lot more relaxing than drawing out and cutting panels.