The last paper mockup was pretty good so I proceeded with increasing the offsets of the side panel.
I also added an additional side panel that is intended to be a bit more vertical rather than slightly flaring out to the side. I think this will help add some more height without making the side a giant wall.

The look of the bow is very different, not as sleek and nice looking. Literally looks like someone tacked on 7 inches to the side panel of a Ta’al.
This is actually the 4th paper model of the project. On model 3 I forgot to update the Datum line in the drawing after updating it in the spreadsheet I had. Was able to get clarification from Michael Storer and as soon as he said it, it was like yeah it makes perfect sense.

One of the other things I’ve done in Model 4 is curved the transom out slightly. Its hard to see in the photo but the transom is now slightly bowed out. The bottom panel had to be slightly adjusted for this, and it will also cause it to be not 90 degrees vertical but I like both changes visually. Note: I did not come up with this idea. I just forget who’s build I saw it on. Will find it later.

I want to further make some modifications after putting this mock up together. The new side panel is currently basically a continuation of the original side panel, it needs a bit more curve to make the join more angular rather than a flat plane. I also wanted a bit more of a curve where the paddler sits. So I’ll have to work on those 2 panels.

Next version I will make the trailing edge towards the transom shorter just like the original design.