Started sanding down the outside of the hull. I started with 60 grit by hand. The reason I wanted to start by hand was to get a feel for it, and especially the chines I feel needed some work to get the correct shape and feather in some of the edges. It took forever.
After sanding down with the 60, I felt a few edges needs more feathering, so I put a bit more epoxy down in those spots and sanded again.
I than pulled out the ROS (Random orbital sander) and went over it with 120 up to 220. Unfortunately when I tried to clean off the kayak my rag was a bit too wet and it raised the grain a bit. I quickly went over it again with the ROS but it wasn’t as baby butt smooth as the first time. Was exhausted by than and wanted to save what remaining energy I had for Fiberglassing.
You definitely wanna be neat with your fillets, as sanding epoxy does take forever.